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Festival for
Arts & Futures

Festival for
Arts & Futures


Stefanie Ollenburg

Stefanie Ollenburg is a researcher, future designer, and facilitator for competence development of future literacy, and transformation processes. She specializes in combining applied participatory futures research with design methods. Having worked as an art and creative director before, she completed a master's degree in Futures Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. In her master's thesis, she developed the Futures Design Process Model, which combines Research through Design with the concept of multiple futures. She is currently a research associate at the Institute for Design Research at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig (HBK) in the SE2A Cluster of Excellence project ScenAIR2050. The project focuses on plausible future scenarios of the air transport system in order to critically examine its transformation towards sustainability. She also a freelance consultant and teaches participatory methods in futures studies and the method of futures literacy labs at the Freie Universität Berlin.