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Join the growing HOLITOPIA community → Sign up for our Newsletter

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Festival for
Arts & Futures

Festival for
Arts & Futures

Panel Talk | Track Future Toolkits | September 20, 3.30 p.m. - 4.45 p.m.

Panel Talk | Track Future Toolkits | September 20, 3.30 p.m. - 4.45 p.m.
A Futures-Design-Process Model for Participatory

Stefanie Ollenburg
Researcher, , facilitator and future designer

Stefanies focus lies on participation and participatory methods in Futures Studies, exploring what it means to "shape the future." As a designer and futures researcher, she questions who we plan for, who holds the power to shape the future, and the role of technology in this process. Critical futures research, emphasizing futures literacy, is crucial to her, as it can empower us to imagine diverse futures and challenge our anticipatory assumptions. This approach requires a transdisciplinary perspective, dissolving disciplinary boundaries while understanding them. Ultimately, we must shift from rigid planning and hierarchical thinking to embrace uncertainty and improve our approach to shaping the future.

Creative intelligence - 5 drivers towards holistic futures

Madeleine Schwinge
Futurist, curator, educator, artist

There can be no doubt we are living in times of great upheaval–ecologically, economically, technologically and socially. By now, the necessity of systemic shifts is undisputed. However, it has not yet been negotiated what form the respective new futures could take, and how a common journey towards the New could be managed well for all those involved. This calls for a process of transformative learning, including new ways of thinking, new behaviours and new practices.
Madeleine Schwinge, founder of re:future lab and initiator of HOLITOPIA, advocates for a multi-faceted frame between art (free thinking), design (process) and architecture (space) forming a creative alliance to dialog with humanities, natural sciences, and technology. Her stance is to go beyond disciplines and disseminate a holistic practice of 'Creative Intelligence', conveying fundamental drivers for change: serendipity, symbiosis, fiction, interplay, flux. While bringing together post-disciplinary approach, experimentation, and the pollination of hope, HOLITOPIA comes in reach: a pragmatic new Utopia, and a co-evolving space of immediate futures.

Design between industrial legacy and De-Growth: How design plays a role in changing systems

Maximilian Mauracher
Designer, strategist and consultant

How might we redefine growth by design and not by disaster? How might we transform our economy to eliminate waste and close the loop? How might we redesign the systems we live in?