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Join the growing HOLITOPIA community → Sign up for our Newsletter

Join the growing HOLITOPIA community

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Festival for
Arts & Futures

Festival for
Arts & Futures


HOLITOPIA is a new festival focused on future design and creative disciplines ranging from art to architecture. Its aim is to give shape to abstract visions of the future: futures to see and touch.
Witness future design and art coming together to turn visions into reality: a future you can see and touch!
Navigate future scenarios together with some of the brightest and quirkiest minds in future design and creative industries.

Conference Program

Opening, September 19, 2024, 6 - 9.30 pm

  • Opening speech by Vice President HTW Prof. Dr. Molthagen-Schnöring: 'Communicating - Networking - Enabling, the prerequisites for solving contemporary issues'
  • Lecture by President WFSF World Futures Studies Federation Dr. Erik Øverland ‘Sustainability and futures, moving beyond “The Natural” and “The Artificial”’
  • Interview with HOLITOPIA Initiator Madeleine Schwinge
  • Exhibition inauguration Above The Sea Of Air by the curators Madeleine Schwinge and Jan Philipp Frühsorge
  • Networking, music, drinks

Moderation by Andrea Thilo
For press, contributors, partners and conference attendees
Access with Conference ticket

Conference, September 20, 2024, 9.30 am - 6 pm

Full day conference comprising four tracks, each consisting of a panel talk, keynote lecture and workshop. Involving 26 contributors (speakers, workshop facilitators, talk guests) and moderated by journalist Andrea Thilo. The conference will be embedded in an immersive outdoor and indoor exhibition. Conference After Party with DJ Set by Yuriy Gurzhy.

Track 'Future Toolkits'

Design as the guiding discipline to create systems change: A expedition through practical approaches and methods. From the transformation of existing structures to cultural change in society, science and business

  • Stefanie Ollenburg (researcher, facilitator, future designer): 'A Futures-Design-Process Model for Participatory'
  • Madeleine Schwinge (artist, future designer, curator, lecturer): 'Creative intelligence - 5 principles to shape holistic futures'
  • Maximilian Mauracher (designer, strategist and consultant): 'Design between industrial legacy and De-Growth: How design plays a role in changing systems'

'We’re not quite there yet – approaching the future through queer failure', by Dr. Felix Kosok (design researcher, graphic designer)

'Possible Futures for Advertising Design in a Degrowth World', by Maximilian Mauracher (designer, strategist and consultant)

Track 'Subject to Futures'

Opening up the wide fields of imagination through fiction and game design - and exploring the question of what design can do for democracy.

  • Dr. Felix Kosok (design researcher and graphic designer): 'Re-Design in public spheres'
  • Dr. Christian Stein (language and computer scientist): 'Game as a form of social culture. Design and fiction as vehicles to shape futures'

'Future Rhythms', by Dr. Derek Woodgate (consulting futurist, educator, author, speaker, and curator)

'Systems Play for Social Dreaming - A dynamic session combining interactive games design to ignite self-discovery, critical thinking and future foresight', by Prof. Pelin Celik (Professor for industrial design, System Design, HTW) and Jana Picciani

Track 'The Tangible Futures'

Shaping tomorrow's world. A look at new urban realities, new materials, new living and working environments.

  • Chrissie Muhr (architect, researcher and curator, Co-Director Experimental): 'Experimental Practices – Towards Sustainable Architecture'
  • Dr. Elisabeth Helldorff (violin cellist, design thinking coach, head of innovation & business transformation): 'Artistic thinking as a driver of innovation - art-based interventions in companies'
  • Dr. Dana Klisanin (psychologist, author, consultant)

'Sympoïetic Design - tangible invitations for humans, animals, microbes, animate and inanimate matter in the ocean', by Rasa Weber (experimental designer, researcher and diver)

'Growing Architecture - Co-Designing with Fungi', part 2/2,by Antje Nestler & Dr. Kristin Werner (science communicators), with Dimitra Almpani-Lekka (architect, researcher), Natalija Miodragović (architect, researcher)

Track 'From Linear to Circular'

A deep dive into interconnected phenomena, multiverses and virtual realities. More-than-human perspectives will bridge tangible to non-material realms of design.

  • Lynn Harles (design researcher, curator): 'Design Research for Climate Action - Developing interdisciplinary Playgrounds for Climate Justice & Eco-Social Transitions'
  • Nicole Loeser (art curator, serial cultural entrepreneur): 'Regenerative Futures, Data Storytelling for Sustainable Futures'
  • Dr. Caroline McMillan (design researcher, technologist): 'Design informed by Science, Multisensorial Design, Sensuous Peripheries'

'Wellbeing through deepening your relationships with the natural world. Open your imagination and reconnect with your wild senses', by Dr. Dana Klisanin (psychologist, author, consultant)

'Growing Architecture - Co-Designing with Fungi', part 1/2,by Antje Nestler & Dr. Kristin Werner (science communicators), with Dimitra Almpani-Lekka (architect, researcher), Natalija Miodragović (architect, researcher)